Labels Partner:
you will find a list of labels that have already collaborated or released
material from our legion”
Aniquilación Satánica Productions (Ecuador):
Ancient Cult Records (International):
Black Hearts Records (Brazil):
Brazilian Ritual Records(Brazil):
Destrutive Analogical Terror (Brazil):
Irmandade Hermética do Ódio (Brazil):
Kult of Bloody Rites (Brazil):
Magistellus Infernal Productions (Peru):
Negra Alianza Records (Chile):
Nekrogoat Heresy Productions (Portugal):
Sangrienta Alianza Productions (Chile):
Sea of Darkness Records (Italy):
The Goat Massacre Prod (Brazil):
Tribulación Productions: (Colômbia):
Spreading the Ancient Evil Kult Prod (Brasil):
Unholy War Productions (Brazil):
da Morte Records (Brazil):
WP and RO Productions (Holland/Brazil):
“Extinct Labels but eternally alive in our minds and our Works”
Demon’s Pride Productions (Brazil):
GoatKult Productions (Brazil):
United (Germany):
Infernal Blood
Records (Peru): No Link.
Into The Mysteries
Org (Brazil):